The Art of Decision is a large-scale immersive interactive multimedia exhibition that encourages the individual to realise their significance in relation to political decision-making. The exhibition consists of a series of rooms that immerse visitors in situations that invite them to reconstruct their perception of political structures and political involvement. The Art of Decision is the result of an extensive body of research conducted at Trinity College, Dublin. The project particularly addresses marginalised groups who feel excluded from the political process. The exhibition is the result of an extensive body of research conducted at Trinity College, Dublin, a joint venture between the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and the Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies. The research was carried out by 2 full-time PhD researchers, Fionnuala Conway and Jane Williams under the supervision of Dr. Linda Doyle and Dr. Maryann Valiulis. The team draws on their very varied academic and career backgrounds to create a unique combination of multimedia and technology, politics and gender to give this project a perspective which is unique.
A feature documentary on the project was produced by Mark Linnane and Fionnuala Conway. It can be viewed here:
The Art of Decision offers visitors an opportunity to travel through 9 interactive rooms that present opinions and ideas about power and decision-making from a variety of research participants in an engaging, theatrical way. Contributors’ ideas are presented alongside statistical information in a meaningful and innovative fashion using sound, film and interactive installations. The technology will also facilitate visitors to contribute their ideas to Art of Decision as it evolves in the space and in future research. There were over 3000 visitors to the Art of Decision exhibition in the 2-week period of its presentation.
The exhibition presents 9 interactive installations created from 2003-2005 that includes DATAmap, Decisions³, The VIP room, Rite of Passage, Powerhouse, Finding Your Voice – Mamo’s story, Finding Your Voice – Siobhan’s story, Rantroom, Art of Decision Daily Post.
Details of the project and exhibition can be found here: